Who can you seek help and support from?

Part of our roles in school is to work in partnership with families to ensure the best possible outcomes for the children and young adults in all aspects of their lives.

We hope to develop positive working relationships with families by providing help and support for the whole family.

If you would like any support please get in contact with us.

Claire Porter

Claire Porter

Safeguarding & Pastoral Lead

Tara Gaskin

Tara Gaskin

Opperations & Pastoral Co-Ordinator

Areas in which we can support are:

  • Signposting to different organisations / support groups.
  • Completing referrals to multi-agencies including, Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language, Wheelchair Services, and many more.
  • Completing and leading on Early Help.
  • Accessing potential charities for holidays, advice and equipment.
  • Accessing out of school provisions.
  • Supporting transition.
  • Post provision advice and support.
  • Accessing financial advice or Food Banks.
  • Behaviour strategies & signposting.
  • Organising school events such as Coffee Mornings.
  • Mental Health Support for Pupils and Families. 

Support can be offered in the form of:

  • Home visits.
  • Meetings (Informal / formal).
  • Telephone calls.
  • Coffee Mornings / Parent Events.

Coffee Mornings

We will be holding regular coffee mornings in school. All parents and carers are welcome. We will be having guest speakers from different agencies and fun stay and play sessions.

We will advertise dates of the next Coffee Mornings and Workshops through the school newsletter, text service and website. So please keep checking back for further updates.

Mental Health & Well-being

Derby SEND Healthy Minds Group

The Derby SEND Healthy Minds Network is made up of representatives from Derby City’s Special Schools. Their aim is to improve support for children and young people in Derby City with SEND around their emotional well-being.

Please visit the following website for more information on parent support, sibling support, mindfulness and calming strategies and Emotional Mental Health; Calm, Concern, Crisis.
