So that learning is relevant, suitable and engaging for our children and young people, the school has developed the following curriculum model. National Curriculum subjects (including English and Maths) have been planned into thematic subjects, which better meet the complex needs of the students. They link closely to the areas of the EHC plans and this allows the teachers to plan creatively and ensure that learning is appropriate to the individual needs. We have established a rolling cycle of themes at each stage of our learners:
- EYFS (Nursery, Reception and Year 1) – have a 3-year rolling programme
- Primary (Year 2-6) – have a 6-year rolling programme
- Secondary (Year 7-9) - have a 3-year rolling programme
- 14-19 Department (Year 10-14) – do not follow a set thematic area, instead their themes are based on current local and national events.
Half-termly Themes link to National Curriculum subjects (or areas of learning within our EYFS department) to provide varied experiences to add interest for pupils as they develop individual skills in the core areas of learning. Each class will differentiate the theme as appropriate to their class group.There needs to be breadth of learning throughout students’ time at school, especially if they will be staying within the same learning cohort (pre-formal etc.), whilst ensuring that the learning is developmentally appropriate. We also key events throughout the year as a whole school such as World Book Day, National Science Week, Chinese New Year etc. to promote Fundamental British values as part of Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural opportunities for our whole school community to learn and celebrate together.